Roast with Fire | Brew with Water | Pour with Passion

Countdown to Delivery

Jordan Berlingeri

Jordan Berlingeri

Well folks, here we are. The fabulous team over at Diedrich Roasters notified me today that their ‘seasoned’ IR-1 showroom Model, that we here at Source Coffee nabbed at a fantastic deal, is crating and shipping today! My excitement is somewhat diminished as I sit and fumble with WordPress, but alas, it must be done. And I gotta give a Texas sized HOOT n’ HOLLER to Margie! You and Don Jaime have really made my dream come true.

Regarding the WordPress debacle, I’m currently following a wonderful Tutorial for anyone reading that may be procrastinating the creation of their company website. I for one would rather rake course ground coffee across my eyeballs than fuss with web design, but I digress.

I decided to go with Bluehost for web hosting and domain acquisition after much deliberation and research. I know I’ll be comfortable with my choice as soon as I can topple this WordPress learning curve, but its seriously no joke.

So yeah, I’m at the part in the tutorial where I’m told to create a blog post and deviated some by adding an actual post, instead of the copy/paste instructions given. Does anyone actually read these? Comment below.

If anything, I can treat the blogging protocol as an extension of my journaling protocol, which is currently nonexistent. Who has time to journal with three kids under the age of ten?!? Certainly not me but, here I am.

Perhaps I’ll grow found of ‘typing into the abyss’ as some sort of meditative/creative writing practice? I am fond of words…

That’s probably enough keyboard clackin’ for the time being. I could write a magnum opus in order to prolong another bout with WordPress but, time is of the essence.

One Response

  1. Oooh Jewfo. It’s happening. I am so proud of you for pushing through with this website-building-learning-curve 😉 Somebody’s got to do it!! Hihihi I am looking forward to your magnificent coffee while reading some of your journaling efforts in the near future.

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