Roast with Fire | Brew with Water | Pour with Passion

Papua New Guinea – Kongo Organic

Jordan Berlingeri

Jordan Berlingeri

Prior to this bean, the only other New Guinea coffee I’ve experienced has been various iterations of the New Guinea Peaberry, of which, the Kongo Organic is NOT. And by ‘not’ I mean it is not a ‘Peaberry’ grade bean.  I’ll be securing some Peaberry coffees in the future and will discuss those intricacies then. In the meantime, this PNG-KO, is becoming my ‘Go To’ coffee in the mornings.

What I love about this coffee is how it slides around in the mouth, saturating the tongue with various notes at key flavor centers.  Roast Notes from our distributor suggest Apricot, Chocolate and Toffee hints.  For me, the Toffee comes through in the nice clean finish while deep mochas and fermented fruit punctuate the initial presence in the mouth.

This coffee will be the initial coffee featured in the Dove PTA Fundraising Coffee Tour.  More to come on that real soon.

UPDATE: Dove Elementary PTA has decided to forgo a partnership this year. Que sera…

I’ve been brewing a larger press for my wife and I as of late:

Coffee Press / 700ml filtered, boiling water / 40g fine ground coffee / 10 minute steep / Press & Pour with Passion

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