Roast with Fire | Brew with Water | Pour with Passion

Bricks & Mortar Wishes

Jordan Berlingeri

Jordan Berlingeri

There are two expressions that come up in entrepreneurial circles that I find most conflicting.

The first, “Location. Location. Location.”

The second, “If you build it, they will come.”

I suppose the second should consider the first, but both statements present themselves as complete and in need of no other considerations. They’ve always made sense independent of one another and yet, when all things are considered, it certainly seems to me that two camps have formed.

The former appears to rely upon existing market centers and/or travel patterns for their potential success, while the latter might outright dismiss the beaten path and opt for a unique offering down the road less traveled.

Coffee shops can certainly find almost immediate success in highly traveled areas of commerce. They can also offer unique vibes and settings the further from those oft congested and bustling business centers.

As I gaze into the future, I find myself wondering if my next cafe build will be informed by either schools of thought concerning where an appropriate brick and mortar cafe roastery might be placed. I’m eager to reach out and grab a hold of this dream that’s been haunting me for the better part of twenty years now. All the pieces have been acquired. They just need the proper home now…

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